The company organises a wide range of activities for schools, travel agencies, governments, non-profit organizations or private organisations. You can choose from the following event series:

For the following activities, groups of 10 people or more:

1) Glutinous rice cake workshop, 30 minutes, $60 per person
2) Tea cake workshop, 45 minutes, $60/person
3) Salted egg drying workshop, 30 minutes $40/person
4) Stone-ground tofu flower making, 45 minutes $50/person
5) White bean porridge making experience, 30 minutes $40/person (suspended)

6) Shrimp paste and shrimp paste workshop, 45 minutes $110/person (30 people or more, 60 people or more $80/person)
 7) 1-hour Shaolin Martial Arts Experience: $100/person (minimum 30 pax or more)

8) Fishing net weaving skills, 45 minutes $50/person

9) Salted fish making skills, 60 minutes $80/person

10) Guided Fishing Tour, 60 minutes, $50 per person

11) Guided tour of the shack, 60 minutes, $50 per person

12) Eco-guided tour, 60 minutes $50 per person

13) Guided tour of the history and culture of the fishing village, 60 minutes, $50 per person

14) 20-minute sightseeing dinghy cruise

15) Tai O Stilt House Guided Tour and River Rush Exploration Tour 60 minutes, $80 per person



大澳茶粿 / 糯米糍工作坊